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Sea of Thieves reveals the nuts-and-bolts of PlayStation 5 version

by: Jason -
More On: Sea of Thieves

The PlayStation 5 release of open-world pirate RPG Sea of Thieves is just over the horizon, setting sail for Sony’s machine on April 30th. Today, Xbox studio Rare shared a new FAQ blog post that details many of the nuts-and-bolts of what us PlayStation players can expect come the end of April. It covers a lot of ground, but allow me to give you a rundown of the highlights below.

For starters, Sea of Thieves will require a Microsoft account to login, while linking your PlayStation and Microsoft accounts means you can bring over your characters, progress, accumulated gold, etc. to the PlayStation version of the game, if you wish. Along those lines, the game will feature crossplay across all platforms, though it can be toggled off if you prefer to play with only your PlayStation brethren. One interesting note is that while Sea of Thieves will require an active PS Plus subscription to experience the full game, players will be able to enjoy Safer Seas mode in solo offline play, if you don’t have PS Plus.

Getting on to some of the sexier stuff, Sea of Thieves will take full advantage of the PS5’s DualSense controller haptic feedback and adaptive triggers – music to my pirate ears. Graphically it will run 4K resolution at 60 frames per second and HDR colors. Or, you can switch to a performance mode that scales back to 1080p, but at 120 frames per second. Rare says they have also tested the game on the popular PlayStation Portal steaming handheld and it works well.

And finally, a closed beta is scheduled for April 12th through April 15th and will be available to PlayStation players who pre-order the game digitally. Participants in the closed beta will receive special rewards for the full game.

Wow, that was a lot. I have been eagerly and impatiently awaiting Sea of Theives’ arrival on PS5 – I’ve almost pre-ordered it at least a dozen times now. See you on the seas in just a few weeks.