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Windblown is a new co-op action game from the Dead Cells team

by: Jason -
More On: Windblown

Developer Motion Twin, the studio behind surprise hit Dead Cells, announced its next game today – a cooperative action rogue-lite called Windblown. It features fast-paced, challenging combat for up to three players venturing across islands in the sky that change with each death. You take on enemies known as Sentinels using a variety of weapons, trinkets, gifts, and fish – yes, fish.

Each weapon has a unique attack rhythm, strengths, and weaknesses to consider when developing your personal playstyle. Trinkets are collected on runs and allow you to deal major damage in the form of explosive bombs, frost novas, or poison clouds. They can also be used as passive bonuses to further tweak your playstyle. Meanwhile, fish sound a bit like ultimate attacks, with long cooldowns but powerful effects. There is a fish that moves in a straight line and gobbles up enemies in its path, for instance.

Windblown also has a gorgeous art style, which you can see in action in the new gameplay trailer below. Motion Twin is planning to launch the game in Steam Early Access later this year.