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GRS Build-A-Cade getting a six button control panel

by: John -
More On: GRS Build-A-Cade

I really enjoyed the making of the GRS Build-A-Cade and that project has inspired me to actually create something, which I'll be showing off as soon as all the parts have arrived. One of the control panels I thought was missing when I reviewed it was a six button layout for many fighting games. Well, that's going to be taken care of in March.

You can go to GRS now and pre-order the six button panel for a reasonable price of $24.99. That's the same price as the three button layout and the dual joystick panel. From the picture, it looks like it uses a more arcade style button in a miniature size with a concave top. Even the player buttons look bigger than the three button panel counterpart.

It's due out in March sometime and if you want to play some fighting games on the go with the GRS Build-A-Cade, this panel is for you.