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Firewall Ultra prepares for launch, reveals a year of post-launch content

by: Jason -
More On: Firewall Ultra

Firewall Ultra, one of PlayStation VR2’s biggest 2023 releases, is mere hours away. As such, developer First Contact Entertainment has taken to the PlayStation Blog to share details on what we can expect post-launch for the tactical multiplayer shooter. The team already has an entire year of content mapped out, including four Operations (battle passes), four new Contractors, new skills, new weapons, 60 in-game rewards for each Operation, two new maps, and two new co-op modes. Even better is the fact that the two new maps and co-op modes will be released for the extremely low price of free.

At launch, Firewall Ultra will include eight maps, all of which are playable in both its PvP Contracts mode, and the co-op PvE Exfil mode. The game’s new launch trailer shares the first look at a brand-new map called Crossroads, which takes place in an urban Middle Eastern setting. Check it out below, and expect review coverage from us here at Gaming Nexus after we have spent a proper amount of time with PlayStation’s new live service VR shooter.