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Dark fantasy strategy game Gord launches this summer, adds console versions

by: Jason -
More On: Gord

If you’ve ever wondered what The Witcher games would look like as an isometric strategy game, I think I’ve found such a game. Today, publisher Team17 and Polish developer Covenant.dev announced that dark fantasy strategy title Gord is launching this summer for PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X|S. We knew it was coming to PC, but the existence of console versions is new and most welcome news.

You will notice The Witcher inspirations immediately in the trailer, which checks outs considering that Covenant is comprised of former members of The Witcher 3 development team, as well as former Frostpunk devs. In Gord, players command the Tribe of the Dawn as you work to grow the community while also keeping it safe from outside threats, such as invaders and monstrous beasts. You must manage the needs of citizens, including hunger and faith, while also sending them out on dangerous quests to uncover secrets and hunt the creatures that lurk in the surrounding forest.

It pleases me greatly to see this coming to console, and I will certainly be keeping a watchful eye on this one as we head into summer. Check out a new gameplay trailer below: