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Adorable ‘yeastpunk’ RPG Born of Bread rises to the occasion this summer

by: Jason -
More On: Born of Bread

French developer WildArts and publisher Dear Villagers announced today that their “yeastpunk” adventure RPG Born of Bread is launching this summer on PC, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X|S. They also shared a fresh-baked look at gameplay, which looks quite good.

The protagonist in Born of Bread is a flour golem called Loaf, who you must guide on a journey alongside his friends to save the land. The game features a cool 2.5D art style, some light environmental puzzles, and turn-based/real-time hybrid combat that appears to also include some minigame elements. You’ll encounter a wacky cast of characters along the way, some of which will join you on your adventure. Battles are also “live-streamed” within the game to a captive audience, who may issue bonus objectives and rewards if they are entertained by how you fight.

Born of Bread looks rather scrumptious. I’ll be keeping an eye on the oven between now and launch for sure.