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Battlefield 2042’s fourth season ‘Eleventh Hour’ launching February 28th with lots of new additions

by: Jason -
More On: Battlefield 2042

Battlefield 2042 is continuing its redemption arc with a fourth season of post-launch content, launching on February 28th across the various platforms. Dubbed “Eleventh Hour”, the new season features the addition of a new specialist, a new map, new weapons, and a new vehicle. It is also the last season of content included in the original roadmap for the title, although DICE has since confirmed that it will continue seasonal content for the foreseeable future.

The new map, called Flashpoint, is set in northern South Africa and features an abandoned development complex. Camila Blasco is the 14th (and said to be the final) specialist being added to 2042. She joins the Recon class as a master of ambushes, carrying the X6-Infiltration Device which is a signal jammer that blocks any spotting or lock-on technology of teammates within its range. Her Ambush Expert trait also means that she can never be spotted by movement-detecting equipment.

Several new weapons are being added as well, including the RM68 assault rifle which is integrally suppressed, the Super 500 pump-action shotgun which is a secondary weapon (!), the AC9 SMG with a high rate of fire and tight control, and the RPT-31 LMG which is a sort of hybrid between LMG and assault rifle. There will also be more Portal weapons from previous iterations of Battlefield added along the way, including the SVD sniper rifle, among others.

The CAV Brawler is the new vehicle for season four. Similar to the MAV, it is designed to transport infantry, but unlike the MAV, your teammates can still spawn on it even if it is full. A new gadget is being added – the SPH Explosive Launcher – which fires a sticky explosive that detonates on a short delay. And finally, a fresh battle pass is dropping alongside the new season as well with a batch of new cosmetics.

If you’re a regular here at Gaming Nexus, you know that I’ve been beating the drum for a while now that Battlefield 2042 has developed into a great game. It didn’t start out that way, but I would add it to the list of successful redemption stories in gaming. See you on the battlefield on February 28th.