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BioWare announces Dragon Age: Dreadwolf is now playable start to finish

by: Jason -
More On: Dragon Age: Dreadwolf Dragon Age: Absolution

Developer BioWare announced today that the next entry in the Dragon Age series - Dragon Age: Dreadwolf - has completed its Alpha milestone and is now playable from start to finish.

It's a good sign, to be sure, for a game that was just announced to be entering production back in February. Studio general manager Gary McKay said in a new blog post that development will now shift focus to implementing the game’s final graphical fidelity, iterating on gameplay features, and evaluating systems, such as how relationships work between characters.

If you’re looking to scratch a Dragon Age itch while you wait for Dreadwolf, check out a teaser below for Netflix’s upcoming Dragon Age anime series called Dragon Age: Absolution, which will release this December: