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Eternal Threads reveals how to manipulate the timeline and save (or doom) the cast

by: Eric -
More On: Eternal Threads

I've developed a real affinity for narrative, choice-based games over the last couple of years (see my raving review of The Forgotten City, which you should totally play if you haven't already). Eternal Threads, a new narrative adventure game from Secret Mode and Cosmonaut Studios, looks like something I will really love, streamlining the choice-making elements down to the point where the options are literally choices on a screen in front of the player character - to be selected like some time-traveling real-life Choose Your Own Adventure novel. 

In Eternal Threads, players are attempting to save a cast of eight characters from a house fire in 2015. Altering choices for one character early on in the timeline can send ripples out across the entire cast, so expect a lot of surprise results, burnt characters, and chagrined do-overs. Check out this trailer to see how it all works:

Eternal Threads releases this Thursday, May 19, on PC. A console release (PlayStation, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch) is scheduled for later in 2022.