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First Blood Bowl screens released

by: Chuck -
More On: Blood Bowl
Focus Home Interactive has shipped out the first six images from their upcoming game Blood Bowl.  The game is an adaptation of the board game and will come with two modes.  The first allows you to play the game in real time while the second is a turn based mode that's very similar to the board game version. 

Developed by the French studio Cyanide, the video game adaptation of Blood Bowl has all of the characteristics of a traditional ball game, and so it allows you to develop actual tactics and strategies before and during matches.

The game offers two game modes. The first, which is fully real time, offers spectacular gameplay with intense battles between blocking linemen and daring displays of agility of players leaping and dodging through opponents tackle zones, while powerful spells and dirty trick special plays are unleashed across the field. All of this creates a highly charged atmosphere. Of course, since it is sometimes difficult to keep an eye on the entire field at once, the game's interface offers different tactical and strategic setups, while the AI is responsible for managing the players on the field.

The second game mode, an actual turn-based game, is a treat for players of the original board game because it is an exact replica of Games Workshop's tabletop masterpiece. The original rules have been faithfully reproduced, and it contains all of the devices, strategies, play and rhythm of the original game.

The single-player experience allows the player to manage a team throughout an entire season of Blood Bowl, through the Old World of Warhammer. The team will evolve over the course of victories, experience gained and awards won. With its immense depth, this mode can almost be considered as a management game, from managing the popularity and sponsorship of players to the purchase and sale of players, as well as their aging, retirement and even death.

In multiplayer, the player will be able to throw down a challenge to other Blood Bowl players and participate in large tournaments over the Internet in order to climb the official ranks.