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If the guy didn't say it was six times better than Halo 3, I would think this was Chuck in the video

by: John -
More On: Super Mario Galaxy
Nothing like calling a Mario game a borderline failure to get all those fanboys in an uproar. Analyst Michael Comeau in this video on TheStreet.com calls the sales of 500,000 copies in the first week a borderline failure comparing it to the sales of Halo 3 which sold 3 million in the first week. He brings up an interesting point that third party publishers might see the biggest Nintendo release on the Wii selling good but not blockbuster numbers in the first week and thinking how they are going to have a chance with their lesser known game. He does praise Galaxy as the best $50 he spent this year though and that's not the first time I've heard it. I'd like to see how our resident Nintendo expert, Sean Colleli, views Galaxy.

Thanks Digg.