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SMITE 2's first alpha weekend is now on

by: Rob -
More On: SMITE 2

Titan Forge Games is finally giving players their first taste of SMITE 2 with the initial Alpha Weekend not live. Alpha Weekends are expected to be hosted once per month in the lead-up to the games official Beta later this summer, with this one running through May 5th. The Alpha is open to those who registered on the official site, as well as all who pre-purchased with the Founder's Edition. Invites will continue to go out over the course of the Alpha if you've registered and haven't gotten in yet.  

This first Alpha opens the doors to 14 playable Gods: Anhur, Anubis, Athena, Bacchus, Bellona, Cernunnos, Chaac, Fenrir, Kukulkan, Loki, Odin, Neith, Ymir, and Zeus. More gods will be added in ffuture weekends and there are a few training resources available to prep players into this sequel including tips, a breakdown of Conquest mode, and a what to expect in the Alpha weekend vid. 

So if you're interested in trying out an early version of the game, go ahead and register for the Alpha. If you want to guarantee that access then the Founders version is your ticket in. SMITE 2 will eventually release on PC, PS5, and Xbox.