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Take on wave after wave in Hellbreach: Vegas

by: Elliot -
More On: Hellbreach: Vegas

I try really hard to stay away from, if these to games had a child it would be this when describing a new game. But the people behind Hellbreach: Vegas are saying this, “channels the frantic energy of Left 4 Dead and Call of Duty Zombies.” How can I argue with that? You’ll take on wave after wave in this first-person shooter with up to four players in co-op. You’ll use slot machine to help upgrade yourself and improve your chances of survival. Katanas, lasers, mini-guns, it’s all here for you to try out.  The game is developed by a single person, so it is still in Early Access. A roadmap of upcoming additions shows off new maps, weapons, cosmetics for weapons and characters, and new perks for player characters.

Right now, Hellbreach: Vegas is 10% off on the Steam shop.