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by: Sean Colleli -
More On: Super Mario Galaxy
So I picked up Super Mario Galaxy today, and have played a few hours into it.  First impressions from the Nintendo guy?  Well, I'm sure it's really good, but for some reason I'm not getting into it.  Maybe I'm just stressed from college, or that PS2 sitting on my floor is poisoning me.  I don't know.  Galaxy just doesn't have that cohesive, sprawling quality that made Mario 64 so "Oh my god!" amazing back in 1996.  Maybe it's like Twilight Princess, and you really have to play several hours into it before the world opens up.  It certainly shows what the Wii hardware can do--the opening cinema casually shoots off effects that I never imagined possible on the Wii.  I'll dig a little deeper into Galaxy later tonight, so don't let my fatigue and lack of spastic enthusiasm change your mind about this game.