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Metroidvania bullet hell TEVI releases on Switch, PC

by: Elliot -
More On: TEVI

There is a lot I dig about TEVI, the newly released Metriodvania bullet hell title. The pixel art looks crisp, the character art looks great too. I can tell from the trailer it is really trying to give off the Metriodvania vibes. I don’t think I have the patience anymore for bullet hell games anymore, I’m too slow, my brain is old, third reason why I suck at those games that I can’t think of right now, you know. But if bullet hell is your thing then this title could be your thing. It’s also 10% off right now with the release.

“TEVI combines fast-paced movements with swift attacks to chain Backflip Slashes, Air Dashes, and Dagger Throws into stun-locking Air Combos to BREAK enemies and achieve higher combo scores.” TEVI also sports what the developer is calling a dynamic difficulty system that adapts to players’ progress, which helps to make sure no enemy is too difficult to overcome but is still plenty challenging. So maybe it is something I should try after all.

TEVI will be launching on the European eShop on the 21st of December. The title will also arrive on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, and Xbox Series X|S later in 2024.