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I tried My City mode, and I'm talking about practice

by: Joseph -
More On: NBA 2K24

Here's the skinny. While I'm deeply invested in the WWE2K games, I have never touched any sort of story content on the NBA2K games. Creating an athlete, going through the NBA and becoming a star, even GM mode. The most NBA2k I have played would be the exhibition matches. Where the Arena is set, and the teams are ready. This year, I thought I'd give it a shot, so forgive me if I seem brand new to this stuff. It's because, I am. This is a quick summary of my first experience with the My City mode, in NBA 2K24.

When you start off this mode, you can create your character from the ground up. Give them a name, and then a number and even a team affiliation. You can change every bit of their facial features, or even upload your own face via an app. From there, you can choose which player and position you'll be aspiring to be. You can also adjust what seems to be too many sliders, like rebounding, shooting, and dunking. Then the game starts, and you can choose to start your NBA career, or your city career. The Council (my chat) convinced me not only to start my City career, but to also become an elite. I don't want to spoil anything more, because Jason's review is on the horizon, but you can watch the stream below, and watch me lose to the very first team I meet 4 times. Taxman had my number. Check it out, and stay tuned for more utter defeat!