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Stadium Stampede in AEW Fight Forever launches today

by: Nathan -
More On: AEW Fight Forever

All Elite Wrestling is holding it's biggest event yet this weekend called "All In 2" In Wembly Stadium and they have sold over 80,000 tickets to the event. That is pretty damn impressive for a non WWE company in North America to pull off. One of the matches that will be held at the event is Stadium Stampede.

To coincide with the event, AEW Fight Forever is getting an update which adds the new Stadium Stampede game mode. A battle royale type mode where up to 30 players battle it out in a Stadium and the last man standing wins. This mode is available to play now.

In my review of Fight Forever I said the game is fun and has potential but is very barebones in terms of content so it's nice to see the game getting an update to add more game modes.