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The Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown is not THE remake, and that's ok

by: joseph -
More On: Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown

Summer Game Fest gave us a LOT, and they kicked it off with a brand new look at an Ubisoft Prince of Persia game called The Lost Crown. It's explained as a Metroidvania (For my causals, side Scroller, where you back track after finding new weapons, or ways to reach new places), it seems that Prince of Persia has a little bit of classic roots thrown in for good measure. You play as Sargon, from the group called the Immortals, and your goal is to rescue Prince Ghassan. 

Prince of Persia promises colorful landscapes, and environments inspired by Persian Mythology. You also get new powers and abilities, as well as being able to manipulate time. Puzzles, large bosses, and lots of cool fighting tech and combos. The game comes out in 2024 for all the things, and will show more off during the Ubisoft Forward Conference on June 12th. You can click here for more info!