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Street Fighter 6 shows off World Tour, Drops Demo, adds characters, blows minds

by: joseph -
More On: Street Fighter 6

The Street Fighter 6 train keeps chugging along. Then they ran that train into a building. And then that train caught fire. And everyone is safe until June 6th. But here are the highlights: 

World Tour Mode: Along with the already announced customization and abilities, You will be able to visit "legendary warriors", and train in their dojo. You can use the abilities you learned to navigate through the world, and travel to other countries. You will be able to buy food and level up your characters. You can also call in the legendary fighters, and they can help you. They showed off different fighting techniques too that you can use while you fight thugs in the world. You seem to be able to challenge anyone you come across.  Speaking of fighting randos...

Fighting Hub: You can square up with anyone in the battle hub, using the techniques you assigned to your custom character. Get ready for factions out the wazoo, and possibly taking out a whole gang of folks on your way to play Captain Commando. Speaking of playing as other characters...

New Characters: They've announced the year one characters. Ed, and Rashid from Street Fighter V, A.K.I, who I have no idea about, but hopefully isn't like F.A.N.G. All these characters will be here in 2023, except for Mr. Messatsu Go Shoryu himself, Akuma, who doesn't appear in the game until Spring 2024. Speaking of the game...

Demo: There is a demo available on PS4 and PS5 RIGHT NOW, while Xbox and PC users have to wait about a week. It promises a full demo of the World Tour Mode, as well as a basic tutorial. The Fighting hub and online play in unavailable, and the only characters you can fight as are Ryu, and the guy on the front of the game. He shall not be named. Speaking of people would usually not be named in a Street Fighter showcase...

Lil Wayne was here. Watch all the excitement below!