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Roly-poly platformer Glyph goes 90% off on Steam in a "Hail Mary" sales move

by: Eric -
More On: Glyph

We don't often cover game sales numbers, but the majority of games that make it to market don't sell very well. It's a sad but true fact that many of the coolest indie games on Steam, Switch, and all the other consoles (and mobile, of course), arrive on the market, pick up a few curiosity buys, and sink down into the quicksand. Even studios that pay for expensive PR campaigns often can't manage to get any attention for their games - the market is just too crowded. If some miracle doesn't pop the game to the top of a marketplace, it will most likely languish in obscurity, no matter how well-made it is. 

That's the case with Glyph, a very cool and unique platformer from Bolverk Games. Released last August on Steam, Glyph is described as "a cute, physics-based adventure starring a mech-scarab and his trusted guide, Anobi, challenged with rebuilding an ancient civilization buried under the desert sand. Jump, double-jump, smash and glide through the air in this vertical platformer with amazing controls." By all accounts, players enjoy the game too, as it has 40 reviews on Steam with a "Positive" rating.

But those 40 reviews aren't enough to keep a game alive. The team at Bolverk Games makes no bones about the fact that Glyph is currently dead in the water, as it hasn't been able to garner enough attention to achieve recent sales. So, like many other games in the same situation, Bolverk is throwing a "Hail Mary", and putting Glyph on sale for 90% off in an attempt to get some fresh blood to try out the game and hopefully get a few fresh Steam reviews. 

There are worse plans, to be honest. There have been reports of moves like this completely reviving games that otherwise would have been gone forever. And hey, ten sales at 90% off are better than zero at full price. 

If you find Glyph at all interesting, head on over to Steam and pick it up for two bucks. And if you play the game and like it, hook the folks at Bolverk up with a Steam review. They seem like pretty cool people who just want players to give their game a shot. Pick up some positive karma and try it out.