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Cooperative FPS Dinosaur Slaying Game Second Extinction Hatches its Full Version October 20th

by: Pat -
More On: Second Extinction

Second Extinction is a fast paced dinosaur first person shooter allowing teams of up to three players or solo play.  Fight with a range of unique weapons and abilities to take out vicious bloodthirsty mutated dinosaurs in a post-apocalyptic wasteland.  Currently available on Xbox series X/S, Xbox One and PC in early access, Second Extinction will be brining a large update to its current version with its October 20th Launch. 

The update will include new content, enhancements, and harder difficulties. Coming this fall, the launch will expand the current level cap from 50 to 99 as well as revamping the progression system. Players will also be able to upgrade the powers of their weapons, unlock perks and upgrade their support equipment, bringing a larger range of customization options. Two new dinosaurs will be added to the mix as well as two new mutations to existing dinosaurs. A new map will be added that will be doubling the current size of the map. It will include a new savanna-based environment, new narrative missions and activities. 

New features will allow players to start missions from the map without having to leave their current session, free roam, or join others in their active session. Visiting bunkers will allow players to change their load outs and store resources. The War Effort will be revamped to give players a fresh experience every time they drop in by changing the levels of threat, world conditions, and includes special emergence events. New cosmetic rewards, revised contract system, enhanced UI, UX and onboarding and even more will be released with the October 20th launch.