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Nintendo Switch Online Expansion Pack Expansion!

by: Joseph -
More On: Nintendo Switch

Hear Ye, Hear Ye! The Nintendo Switch Online Expansion Pack has added 6 games to it's N64 and Sega Genesis Library. Paper Mario (N64) is already available, and as of right now, if you turn on your Nintendo Switch, and open the SEGA Genesis app, you'll get 5 more games!

- Altered Beast
- Dynamite Headdy
- Sword of Vermilion
- Thunder Force II
- Toe Jam & Earl

So now you can play two player couch co-op, or two players online, and I don't know about you, but I never beat Toe Jam & Earl, and I plan to find someone to finally defeat this game for good! I might run Altered Beast online too, just to say I did it.

Not to mention, Banjo-Kazooie gets added in January, so they're coming! Now my fingers are completely crossed for Goldeneye! Here's some video montage goodness! Then turn on that Switch and get to retro gaming! Because Genesis does...what Ninten...does.