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Battle Cry of Freedom will not skimp on the bloodiness of the U.S. Civil War

by: Eric -
More On: Battle Cry of Freedom

The Civil War is often referred to as "America's Bloodiest War", though most media portrayals of the war tend to sanitize and soften that bloodiness a bit, or at least glamorize it. It doesn't look like Flying Squirrel Entertainment's Battle Cry of Freedom is going to do either. Inspired by Mount & Blade (which the developer has some experience with), Battle Cry of Freedom is going to offer massive 300 player battles, and from the looks of this trailer, dudes will just explode in gore when they get shot - either bringing home the horrors of war or making players cackle with delight, depending on their individual proclivities. 

Flying Squirrel have been working on this game for 10 years, bringing in Civil War reenactors to be certain that they get the details of the period correct. Interestingly, not everyone that plays will be on the front lines (and pity those that are). According to a recent press release, "with dozens of classes to choose from, each with unique load-outs, players take on key responsibilities to win the day on the bloody battlefields of America. From constructing barricades, digging trenches, and rigging explosives with the multi-purpose Engineer, to raising troop morale through music as Fifers or Drummers." Which actually sounds pretty cool. Not sure the Call of Duty kids will enjoy digging trenches to help their team to victory, but more history-minded players will probably enjoy marching into battle with nothing but a damn drum.

I think I will do best as an artillery guy. As someone that can't shoot very well in games, lobbing mortars onto the field seems right up my alley. Maybe I can get really, really good with artillery, and then people will be like "make sure you get Eric for our team. He's the best at rockets and mortars." You just have to know where you can do the most good for the team. And I'm thinking that my strengths will lie in exploding dudes in historically accurate ways.

Battle Cry of Freedom can be wish-listed now on Steam. The game is expected to release in early 2022.