I spent some time early this morning digging into The Last Spell, a tactical RPG roguelite now in Early Access on Steam. The Last Spell is very light on story once the gameplay starts - the opening scene sets up the world's fiction, and then you are off to the races.
With the player controlling three initial heroes, waves of baddies come rolling into town, trying to reach the center and destroy the few mages left in the world - who are trying to cast a spell to banish all remaining magic. In practical terms, this means that you have three rather underpowered homies, who are trying to hold back a giant wave of encroaching zombie-types.
I played the first hour of the game this morning, which was just enough time to come to grips with the game's mechanics and fight through the the first few waves - which were large enough to be almost overwhelming. Take a look:
Judging by the game's trailer, things get a lot more intense than what I experienced. I barely made it through the second level, scraping by with two of out my three heroes (Dan the melee fighter bit the dust, I'm afraid).
The Last Spell is now available in Early Access on Steam, retailing for $19.99. The game carries a Very Positive rating with over 3,000 reviews.