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Team17 climb aboard as publishing partners for 3D Clouds' pirate RPG King of Seas

by: Eric -
More On: King of Seas

3D Clouds' nautical action RPG King of Seas was originally announced as a holiday 2020 release. But the holidays came and went, and King of Seas did not surface. Here we are in February, and the seas are still king-less. However, there isn't a nefarious reason for the delay. It would seem that under the briny waves, 3D Clouds has been working to secure a publishing deal with Team17 (Worms Rumble, Overcooked 2), who will help push the game across the finish line with enhancements and translation work.

King of Seas is a procedurally generated action RPG, which puts players in the role of a pirate captain in an exploration-heavy world. A fog of war will keep players on their toes as they conquer settlements, engage in naval battles, and build out their skill tree. Team17 will be lending a hand to "enhance gameplay quality", as well as implementing numerous languages into the game, including German, French, Spanish, and both Simplified and Traditional Chinese.

King of Seas is scheduled to release this May for Steam, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch. Fans can wishlist the PC version on the official King of Seas Steam page here