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Goat Simulator dev announces early access for next game, Satisfactory

by: Randy -
More On: Satisfactory

Satisfactory, the first-person open-world factory-building sim (I know, right?), came up with this dope little trailer today. With it, developer Coffee Stain announces the game's upcoming early access period, which starts March 19—about two weeks from now. How long will it run? According to Coffee Stain: 

We hope to work on this game for years to come and make something truly special. We are not entirely sure what would qualify as a 1.0 version of Satisfactory, but the game will be in Early Access for at least one year, could be longer.

Early Access will start with "six tiers full of milestones" that unlock machines, resources, equipment, and vehicles across three different starting areas/biomes on a 30km-square map. Since there's a bit of exploration to be had, you'll also have access to some vehicles, equipment, and weapons in order to deal with (friendly? unfriendly?) alien creatures. Also multiplayer, which is "still in a bit funky state but it's Playable and Fun(TM)."

Coffee Stain seems like a fun group of folks. The second question on their website's FAQ is: Did you even try on this game or is this another Goat Simulator? "Hey we tried on Goat Simulator," Coffee Stain answers, "But we tried harder on this game."

Pre-Purchase will run you $29.95 in the Epic Games Store, which is likely the entry fee to get into Early Access.