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Nine minutes of gameplay for tavernkeep sim Crossroads Inn

by: Randy -
More On: Crossroads Inn

Crossroads Inn has charm. Were you to take The Sims and put them in a medieval-fantasy innkeeper scenario, where you're the owner of a small but increasingly important tavern at a crossroads, then you've got the gist of Crossroads inn.

This nine-minute gameplay video shows you building out every room of the place, populating it with the objects you need to run your business. There's the bar in the drinking hall. There's a curiously small room with five beds crammed into it. There's the kitchen, the storage, and a shed outdoors. You pick your floors and walls, you decorate with banners and lights, you serve the customers, and you let the kingdoms' intrigue walk right in and out of that front door. You hire cooks and bards, you trade with merchants, and you even deal with a kill-10-rats scenario—as can be expected when you've got a storeroom full of food and adventurers stopping by for drinks.

The overworld map is hand drawn and just as charming. The chill-fantasy soundtrack keeps your head in a pleasant space, too, as the logistics of running an inn gradually grow in complexity along with your business.

Crossroads Inn is halfway through its Kickstarter month, and two-thirds of the way to its goal. I gave them enough dollars for a copy of the game and early access after the Kickstarter campaign. The game is getting finished regardless. The Kickstarter money just ensures these last months of development are filled with polish, a few dream-goal features, and maybe buys the team a pizza or two during the inevitable upcoming crunch time.

Crossroads Inn is aiming for a December 2019 launch on PC, Mac, and Xbox One.