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11 years after original release, PoxNora comes to PS Vita

by: Eric -
More On: PoxNora

Some games just refuse to die.

Desert Owl Games, the current owner of PoxNora, is bringing the incredibly deep card-collecting/turn-based-strategy game to PlayStation Vita on Tuesday, October 31st. Originally developed by Octopi Media Design Lab and released on August 1, 2006, PoxNora has changed hands several times. The game was acquired by Sony Online Entertainment in January 2009, which in turn sold the game to Desert Owl Games, an indie developer founded by three members of the original Octopi Media dev team, in April 2014.

PoxNora saw a new surge in popularity in 2011 when it released on Steam, and is currently available to play on PC, Mac and PS4. Upon release on Vita, existing PoxNora players will be able to clone their PC or Mac inventories over to their PlayStation Network account.  Account inventories and progress will be shared between PS4 and Vita.

PoxNora will be free-to-play, with various real-life money ways to expand player decks. It is unclear if any starter bundles will be available on Vita, but two starter bundles are currently available on the PlayStation Store for PS4, so that’s covered.

While PoxNora is not exactly the newest game in town, I am excited to see it released on Vita. I am among the small but devoted group that still play on Sony’s portable regularly, and collectible card games have been conspicuously absent from the system. It has been a while since I've played one, and it will be nice to spend some time getting my face handed to me by strangers.