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Battle.Net is now just Blizzard, Shocking Users

by: Patrick -
More On: Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft

Shaking up the tabloids across the "dot net," Battle.Net, Blizzard's software distribution platform for its games, has changed it's name to simply Blizzard. I watched this happen before my eyes mid-HearthStone game, but for more discussion on the switch, check out the reddit thread on r/Games where a users wax nostalgic and debate the merits of the name change. Some are concerned about the weight of the terminology:

"Doesn't really makesense though," says user virtueavatar, "If you tell a friend 'I'm opening Steam' or 'I'm opening Battle.net', they know what you mean." They go on to say that people will "never quite understand 'I'm opening Blizzard'" which speaks more to the nostalgia Battle.net inspires than any kind of practical concern about an app's functionality. Someone also says "App is just a shit word in general."

Others on the thread suggest the change is due to Blizzard's "marketing-heavy" nature, which is definitely possible. It doesn't help that Battle.net sounds like a name for a website that feeds on children's brains in a technophobic episode of CSI, so the change is probably for the best.

Though my heart is heavy for the good times on Battle.net, I think I'll recover from this sudden change, and so will the rest of us.

Updates to come as the story develops.