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Deliver Us the Moon enters Kickstarter home stretch

by: Sean Colleli -
More On: Deliver Us the Moon

Netherlands developer KeokeN is nearing completion of their upcoming survival Deliver Us the Moon, an episodic story about a lone astronaut sent to the moon to gather resources for a desperately depleted Earth. Here's the catch: KeokeN needs to wrap up their Kickstarter campaign, which is sitting at about 80,000 of their 108K goal. They've just launched a Thunderclap campaign to raise awareness and they're holding a fundraiser as the Kickstarter enters its last 11 days.

I'm usually skeptical of Kickstarters but I must admit I really like the premise of this game. Moon is one of my all time favorite films and this game looks like it takes a lot of inspiration from it. If you'd like to see Deliver Us the Moon reach its funding goal, head over to the Kickstarter and make a donation and check out their Steam Greenlight page.