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Classical paintings done in 8-bit style

by: Randy -
More On: Bit. Trip Runner

Adam Lister owes his fame to 8-bit era video games. And, of course, his dexterity with a paint brush, but you'll see what I mean. His watercolors combine pop cultural imagery—or even classical paintings—giving them an almost-cubist delivery. I respect old school video games but don't necessarily need an 8-bit Mario hanging in my living room. I'd rather have Manet's "Olympia" or Ingres's "La Grande Odalisque" (you'll recognize them when you see them) all up in bit trip mode. Eight-bit classical nudity is so hot right now.

Don't despair if the pretension is getting to you. Along with Adam Lister's newest 2016 stuff (below), he also paints up Jaws, the Joker, and Star Wars characters—like BB-8!—in the same style.