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That mobile version of Grand Theft Auto III? You can use old PC mods with it

by: John -
More On: Grand Theft Auto III
One of the great things about PC gaming is that there can be plenty of mods out for a popular game. Some make the game really fun to play and add a life to it.

Well, if you picked up Grand Theft Auto III for the mobile platform, you've got a nice little treat. You see, you can use the same mods that are available on the PC with the mobile version of the game as well. Pretty cool eh?

The file structure used is the same as on the PC so if you want to try some mods on the Android of iOS platform, it's as easy as copying the files to the same directory.

The mods aren't just for changing how the game plays as you can also change the textures and models as well. So go hunting for some mods for a great port of a great game. There are a great deal of them out there to add some extra spice to an old classic.