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For a holiday gift, AMD announces their latest card

by: John -
More On: Radeon HD 7970
AMD decided to kick off their announcement of their next generation card before CES. Behold the AMD Radeon HD 7970 launching on January 9th for $549. Interesting considering AMD's last few launches of new lines consisted of more affordable cards before the high end ones launched.

Under the hood stands a 925MHz engine, 3GB of DDR3 memory clocked at 1375MHz, and 2048 stream processors. It's also the first card utilizing the 28nm process. The card can give you 3.79 TFLOPS of single precision computer power or 947 GFLOPS of double precision computing power.

Numbers are great and all but let's see how this thing performs. Ben should be checking in on them this year at CES so he'll have a full report on the card.