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Steal Princess Will Rob You of Time This March

by: Sean Colleli -
More On: Steal Princess
Those crazy people at Atlus with their wacky games.  Just when you thought they were out of goofy original ideas, they announce Steal Princess for the DS.  There isn't much explanation of the title, but supposedly the game will be heavy on platforming/puzzling, and extremely thick on content.  If I can trust anyone to pull off an isometric platformer with a level builder and Wifi features, it's Atlus.  I want this game already.

Your Nintendo DS™ is about to get its puzzle/platforming on.  Steal Princess™, a genre-bender with platforming action and challenging puzzle-based level design, is set to rob you of all your free time come March.

So what's the big deal with Steal Princess, what makes it special?  Could it be the over 150 levels, each offering new twists and increased complexity, or perhaps the beautifully-rendered isometric platforming action?  Maybe the powerful level editor, which puts full power in the players' hands to create their own devlish stage designs?  Oh, and you can share your custom levels with anyone in North America, using the game's Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection support, so there's that, too.   

Steal Princess Launch Trailer

And when we say powerful editor, we mean it.  Everything is in your control: level style, enemy placement, moving platforms, switches, etc... Even custom victory conditions settings!  And again, to reiterate: Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection support allows your custom creations to be shared online with anyone across North America!

Look for Steal Princess to release on March 24th.  Bring your thinking cap.

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Far fewer puns than were originally planned were harmed in the making of this email.  Sorry the Steal Princess announcement didn't swindle every opportunity in that regard.  Hyuck.