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Slow as Sunday: Support an indie board game and get some goodies

by: Nathan -
More On: Slow as Sunday
We received an email from Adam Poots who is putting together "a nerdy board game in the vein of HeroQuest ". Called Forsaker, the game is a miniatures/board game of the hack n' slash dungeon crawling variety. The miniatures themselves will be the work of the "world's leading miniature sculptures" however there isn't much more information at this time. There is one week left in the donation drive to raise money for the game which has already surpassed the goal of $1,500 but  you can't still donate and get some of the goodies from the donation rewards program that is set up to encourage contributions.
$5 - Get a notable mention of thanks in the games printed rulebook
$20 - Get the thanks and also a high quality print of the concept art
$35 - Get everything above + the miniature itself and an exclusive
display base itself months before the public has access to it.
$200 - Wow! Everything above + I'll paint the miniature for you by
hand. ( I am pretty deccent, not a super pro tho! )

To check out some of the concept art and one of the miniatures (which are top notch) and to make a donation visit the project's official site HERE .


I am producing a nerdy board game in the vein of heroquest.

( some info on heroquest )

Its a horror fantasy experience where you and some friends
cooperatively play against the game system itself. You'll battle
horrible abominations, collect treasure, fall into bottomless holes
and if your lucky your character won't rack up too many psycoligical

All of the characters and monsters will be represented with high
quality miniatures, scuplted by some of the world's leading miniature
sculptors. ( Tracking these guys down was really difficult! ) We are
still in the middle of production, so very little information is

However, to all the email address I've collected over the years I'd
like to make a special offer:

I've set up a small pledge with a rewards based system to those
interested in helping out a little bit. The goal is to get one
miniature sculpted, molded and copies made. The entire project is
quite a staggering amount of money, so this is just an idea to
hopefully shave the cost down a tiny fraction.

$5 - Get a notable mention of thanks in the games printed rulebook

$20 - Get the thanks and also a high quality print of the concept art

$35 - Get everything above + the miniature itself and an exclusive
display base itself monthes before the public has access to it.

$200 - Wow! Everything above + I'll paint the miniature for you by
hand. ( I am pretty deccent, not a super pro tho! )

Here is the link!


Thanks for your time and consideration.

- Poots